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Soleseife – Brine Soap


Soleseife soap, also known as brine soap, is a type of soap made by incorporating saltwater or brine into the soap-making process. There are two great scents to choose from, Lemongrass Verbena and Forest After the Rain!

Soleseife soap, also known as brine soap, is a type of soap made by incorporating saltwater or brine into the soap-making process. The term “Soleseife” is of German origin, where “sole” means brine and “seife” means soap.

The addition of salt water to the soap formulation can lead to unique characteristics in the finished product. The salt not only adds mineral content to the soap but also contributes to a firmer, longer-lasting bar with a creamy lather. Soleseife soap is appreciated for its hardness, skin-friendly properties, and the refreshing feeling it can provide during use.

Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Castor Oil, and Kaolin Clay

Pre-Order Ship (Cure) Date March 1, 2024

Soleseife/Brine Soap

Lemongrass Verbena, Forest After the Rain


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